Map files (ZIP):
The code below uses "Admin 0 – Countries" although other map files should also work, if they have countries in their 'NAME' column.
Installing packages [geopandas] [seaborn]:
pip install geopandas seaborn
Loading the world map:
import geopandas as gpd
# load the low resolution world map
world = gpd.read_file("./resources/") # ref
all_countries = world['NAME']
def prepare_world_map_countries(country_names_to_highlight):
countries_joined = '|'.join(country_names_to_highlight))
countries = world[world['NAME'].str.contains(countries_joined) == True]
countries = list(countries['NAME'])
return countries
Plotting the world map:
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import seaborn as sns
def plot_world_map(countries, title):
# initialize a new figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
colors = sns.color_palette("husl", len(all_countries))
patches = []
# loop over the continent names and corresponding colors
for (country_name, color) in list(zip(all_countries, colors)):
# grab all countries that belong to the continent, then plot each of the
# continents, giving each a unique color
continent = world[world["NAME"] == country_name]
is_active_country = country_name in countries
actual_color = color if is_active_country else 'white'
continent.plot(ax=ax, color=actual_color, edgecolor="black", alpha=0.5)
# generate a patch for the current continent
patch = mpatches.Patch(label=country_name, color=color)
if is_active_country:
# add the patches to the map
ax.legend(handles=patches, loc="lower left", ncol=4)
# turn off axis ticks
# set the plot title
Example execution:
country_names_to_highlight = ['United States of America',
'South Africa',
plot_world_map(country_names_to_highlight, "Countries Visited")
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