Automatic graph layout algorithms and libraries

Automatic graph layout algorithms and libraries


Automatically laying out a graph so that nodes (boxes) do not overlap, and so that the minimum number of edges (connnecting lines) are crossing, is a computational and programming challenge!

Some layout problems have no perfect solution, and many have several possible 'acceptable' solutions.


This is not a new field of research, and there are already many algorithms designed for implementation:

- Sugiyama - a Layered Graph Drawing algorithm. Essentially a set of algorithms that arrange the graph into layers, which are then optimised. More details here and here.

libraries in C#:

- Microsoft's MSAGL =

- Quickgraph = - a fork of the older

libraries in JavaScript:

- D3-Dag - includes Sugiyama

- ogdfjs - JavaScript port of the Open Graph Drawing Framework and and Open Graph algorithms and Data structures Framework
