Learning Scala - books and courses

Learning Scala - books and courses

Coursera - Functional Programming Principles in Scala

- Functional Programming in Scala [The 'Red Book']

- Programming in Scala. Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon and Bill Venners. 3rd edition. Artima 2016. http://www.artima.com/shop/programming_in_scala_3ed
- Programming in Scala. Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon and Bill Venners. 2nd edition. Artima 2010. - Full text of 1st edition available online.
- Scala for the Impatient. Cay Horstmann. Addison-Wesley 2012. - First part available for download.
- Scala in Depth. Joshua D. Suereth. Manning 2012. - Available for purchase.
- Programming Scala. Dean Wampler and Alex Payne. O’Reilly 2009. Available for purchase.
Scala Exercises by 47 Degrees
Scala tutorials
Scala School A Scala tutorial by Twitter
