
testing your internet connection: a handy reliable Google DNS ip address to ping

how to record a video of your Windows desktop

browser quirks mode - how to avoid triggering it

Quickly auto generate JavaScript API documentation

ASP.NET code behind uses culture of the client request, not the culture of server

Running other PowerShell scripts from within a PowerShell script

How to enable or perform CORS requests (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)

CSS rough notes

Chrome internal pages: settings, diagnostics and profiling

Internet Explorer - increase the number of tabs loaded in individual processes

JavaScript memory leak when using a function inside a forEach loop - Chrome, IE10

Automatically watch and compile TypeScript files

Visual Studio 2012: Convert an existing ASP.NET Web project to be able to compile TypeScript

JavaScript debugging quick tips

simple inheritance in javascript, with private, internal and public methods and members

Microsoft articles on how to localize an ASP.NET project, on server side and on client side

converting or opening WPS file in Windows 7

javascript to search a string for text, in reverse

Using Visual Studio 2012 Code Analysis to mimic MSOCAF

Scientific notation in C#

ASP.NET or SharePoint 2010: Session variables do not work from within particular pages

find all sourcecode files, that do not have a Copyright notice - Python script

Powershell - setting the Window Title of your Powershell console

Visual Studio 2012 compare filter to filter out temporary SharePoint source code files

SharePoint - how to get the full URL of the current page in code behind

javascript closure: a simple example of a javascript function created via closure

simple functions in javascript to detect browser version

extract pages or images from PDF on the command line

SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010 Claims Encoding

Visual Studio times out when debugging an ASP.NET or SharePoint application that is hosted by IIS

asp TextBox Text property is always empty on server-side

prevent IE9 defaulting to IE7 standards mode

how to enable running PowerShell scripts for a different user

multi-threaded and multi-process code: avoid synchronisations where possible

integrating the result of javascript unit test runs, into the Visual Studio build report from TFS

IoC Frameworks and SharePoint 2010: bringing your SharePoint code under test