SQL SERVER 2005 - to view info about database - location size etc.

 exec sp_helpdb   
  use [myDbName]   
  SELECT * FROM sys.database_files  
and here's a script which gets specific fields back from *all* the databases on a given SQL Server instance. ref: SharePoint Performance Troubleshooting
 CREATE TABLE #GrowthTable   
   Type_Desc varchar(50),   
   Name varchar(500),   
   Physical_Name varchar(max),   
   State_Desc varchar(50),   
   Size varchar(500),   
   Max_Size varchar(500),   
   Growth varchar(50),   
   Is_Percent_Growth varchar(50)   
  exec sp_msforeachdb 'use [?]; insert into #GrowthTable select Type_Desc, Name, Physical_Name, State_Desc,Size,Max_Size,Growth,Is_Percent_Growth from sys.database_files'   
  select * from #GrowthTable   
  drop table #GrowthTable   
